TweetSneak Script to Auto redirect URL

, posted

Well, the Tweet Sneak really turned out to be something, I mean that cuz numbers don’t lie. The traffic to the site got a surge in recent hours & it is booming. The curve is only going up. It is even on the HackerNews, I don’t what that means but it sounds good xD.

Taking that as a good omen, I also wrote a script to auto redirect tweet URL from login screen prompt to actual content, implying after enabling the script if you open the tweet link in your browser you will get the sneak peek into actual tweet content instead of login screen prompt without moving your cursor.

I tested the script in Firefox but it should ideally work in any browser.

How it works

If the script detects any tweet link match using regex it overwrites the URL & redirects that to embedded tweet and presents the result in a mini iframe.


The installation instructions & the script is in this rentry paste.

Hope you found this useful.

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