TweetSneak - Evade Twitter Login Overhead
“If you’re not logged into your Twitter account and try to view a tweet, you’ll be presented with a sign-in screen.” – reports TechCrunch
That is what has been floating around on web since yesterday & it is true. I saw everyone disappointed with it. People were full on ranting about it everywhere although there was no official word out, yet. Out of curiousity I went to check if this new change broke the embeds as well b’coz that could render a significant no of links dead on millions of websites.
Upon checking, embeds were working well. However when clicked, the tweet embeds would direct to the same login screen & won’t permit to see the tweet.
While I was dicussing it with the friends I looked up into the format of tweet embeds & found a common pattern of tweet embeds. A guy hinted that could be the way to bypass the login screen. It immediately struck me!
It was mid-night already but I was totally hight for it. The pupils widened & the game began. Affter 15 mins of keyboard digging I got a working instance of Tweet Sneak up and running 🤩
While I was fixing the mobile view the official statement came out from none other than the clown himself stating that it is a temporary measure to install stuff in background in order to keep scrapers at bay who are pillaging data for LLM models but that is far from truth. Besides I would never trust him for anything.
While ending this post, I checked on tweet links again the login screen doesn’t always appear, it sometimes throw an error reading “Something went wrong”.
Well, the tool lives & I need it for myself heavily cuz I deleted my twitter handle last week. If you wanna talk about it or have something to say you can
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