The Rights of Muslim Fellows
Alrightie! So I’ve been reading into the second volume of The Revival of Religious Sciences by Hujjat ul Islam, Imam Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad Al Gazali (May Allah be pleased with him). The title is one of the best works among others by one of the timeless Sufi saint, Imam Al Gazali رَحِمَهُ ٱللَّٰهُ . There is a topic in the Vol II, which goes by the name of Rights of Muslims and the Imam Gazali رَحِمَهُ ٱللَّٰهُ have explained in detail the every excerpt I will be noting down here. Actually the reason to list them here is to get a grasp of them and hoping that it would benefit the readers as well. InSha Allah.
So here they go:
- Right 1 : What you choose for yourself, choose same for your brother.
- Right 2 : Do not hurt any muslim by the means of your tongue or act.
- Right 3 : Treat every muslim brother with dignity, meet them with humbleness and don’t take pride.
- Right 4 : Do not listen to backbiting and do not spread the things you learn about others.
- Right 5 : If you get into argument with your acquaintances, do not cut off ties with them.
- Right 6 : As much as possible, treat every muslim fellow with dignity whether he is worth of it or not.
- Right 7 : Do not enter into somebody’s house without permission, instead, ask for it three times and if you don’t get any response return back without holding any grudge.
- Right 8 : Honor every muslim in an appropriate manner and deal with them as per their status.
- Right 9 : Respect elders and treat the youngsters with affection.
- Right 10 : Come pass by every creation with gentle nature.
- Right 11 : Abide by the promise you make with your muslim brother.
- Right 12 : Treat your muslim fellows with justice and do not choose anything for them which you do not like for yourself.
- Right 13 : If someone’s physical appearance calls for their honor, treat them with same and serve people as per their status.
- Right 14 : Make peace among muslim brothers if they are upset for some reasons.
- Right 15 : Keep the matters of people discreet and never expose their flaws.
- Right 16 : Do not put yourself in the position where people will indulge into making bad assumption towards you.
- Right 17 : Advocate for the Muslim fellows who are in need and try to fulfill their requests.
- Right 18 : Greet every muslim fellow with Salaam before talking and perform handshake.
- Right 19 : Safeguard the status, life and the possessions of your muslim brother and prevent any harm to him by the means of tongue or hand and help him to strengthen the brotherhood.
- Right 20 : Answer to the the sneeze of your brother in Islam.