Dockerizing a React App

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In this post I’ll demonstrate how we can dockerize a React App. If you are a frontend developer & you’re not familiar with the concept of containerization or nitty gritty of docker this might be a bit off but if you follow along you will get gist of it.


Creating React Project

For demonstration purposes, I’m spinning a fresh React project. Create a new directory on your desktop & open it using VSCode. Now fire up the terminal in VSCode from the top menu bar & run:

$ npm create vite@latest react-project

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It will prompt you to select the framework & other options. Using arrow keys select React & then Typescript. A new directory will be created namely react-project. Now change directory into this folder in the terminal using cd command.

Creating Dockerfile

Inside the react-docker folder, create a new file namely “Dockerfile” - with no extension. Paste the following contents into it.

FROM node:20-alpine
RUN addgroup app && adduser -S -G app app
USER app
COPY package*.json ./
USER root
RUN chown -R app:app .
USER app
RUN npm install
COPY . .

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For step by step explaination on what each line exactly does you can refer to this gist.

Now create another file namely .dockerignore in the same location where your Dockerfile lives i.e root directory. Add node_modules/ to the contents of the .dockerignore file. It works like .gitignore file.

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Next, inside your package.json file under scripts, append --host to "dev": "vite" like shown below:

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Building Image

It is time to build the image. Switch to the terminal and make sure you are inside react-docker directory. Run this command to build the image.

$ docker build -t react-app .

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It will take few seconds to finish & bake a docker image out of the react app. To confirm you can run this command to list available docker images:

$ docker images

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Running the Container

Now that we have the docker image, we are ready to spin off the docker container running our react app. In the terminal run this command to create the running instance of the docker image.

docker run -p 5300:5300 react-app

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You will get the localhost URL & private IP to launch the app preview in browser. Open either of the links and you should see the live site if you did everything correctly.

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Well, that’s it. You’ve successfully dockerized a React App! 🎉

However, if you try modifying the codebase, you won’t see the changes reflected in the browser. The reason is that the changes in the local codebase aren’t in sync with the running instance of the docker image, which is based on an older version of the code.

Live Changes Sync

Let’s see how we can make the changes in sync with live container. First of all we need to stop the existing container. Close the terminal or hit Ctrl + C to stop the container. Now in the same directory inside terminal run:

docker run -p p:p -v "$(pwd):/app" -v /app/node_modules react-app

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This setup enables live synchronization of code changes, allowing for rapid development and testing within the container environment. Hence, any changes in the local code base will be reflected instantly in the running container.

This is Day 4 of #100DaysToOffload

That is all for today. If you found this post useful consider sharing it with friends.

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